Two people have been issued with fixed penalty notices for breaching Covid-19 legislation after being rescued on the Argyll coast.

A multi-agency operation was launched after a 26-year-old woman and 32-year-old man became stranded in the Cowal peninsula after going for a walk.

They were found at about 11pm on Monday after units including an air support team and the Coastguard responded.

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Sergeant David Hardie said: “This was a large-scale rescue operation which consisted of various police resources including the air support unit and roads policing officers.

“We also had support from Coastguard rescue teams based in Dunoon, Kames and Greenock.

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“The Coastguard helicopter from Prestwick was deployed along with RNLI lifeboats from Largs, Helensburgh and Tighnabruaich.”

He added: “Thankfully the persons were found safe and well, however, this incident should be a reminder to all that Government guidance around essential travel should be obeyed in order to protect yourself and the emergency services at this challenging time.”

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