SOON this virus will be in the past, but never forgotten. We must learn from our decisions and make way for a new reality.

The journey will be long and filled with numerous obstacles that this “war” brought upon us, but in unity we will find hope and a brighter future.

The economy being heavily pressured, businesses fighting to stay afloat, schools closing, deserted streets, trash containers filled to brim, neverending queues in the supermarkets and pharmacies across the country, a sense of darkness and despair in the air that is difficult to ignore.

We are battling for humanity. We are fighting for our existence. The world is facing a major change, and consequently my own country of Portugal.

Not all is lost. Many have learned to cherish what they had taken for granted for years or just simply forgotten. What we wouldn’t give for one of those days and our freedom today?

But through chaos, there are signs of hope being reborn. True heartfelt meanings and gestures we will never take for granted again.

We now look out our windows and see a sight that was difficult to imagine a few weeks ago.

When we look up at the sky, the stars have never looked so bright. A shining light that takes our imagination to endless adventures that we will no longer delay.

Families have become even closer, friends speaking more and more, even if only by the phone, but in today’s case, not by a simple text message or post on social media, but through the importance of hearing a voice on the other side of the line.

We see touches of hope, civility, respect and kindness all around, safety distances being kept, a sight of a helping hand to those in need, showing us that even the smallest gesture is welcomed with an open heart.

Our way of life, communication, and unified outlook will be key to the quicker recovery and greater welcoming of tomorrow.

This virus has not only affected Portugal but on a global scale. In this way, it will strongly see the world as its downfall. What will tomorrow hold for us? One voice, more humane and in touch with all its senses, making every word count.

I see better efficiency, more productivity, a motivated workforce with hands-on leadership. Communication being shared at all levels and across the board.

Barriers being broken, paths being created, an unyielding seal that no virus will break and brought upon, for us now to decide, on how we choose to use this opportunity.

The way we all look into ourselves and on how we will move forward and grow from this current reality is key for the rising of tomorrow.

Society must learn from the decisions made today, to make sure tomorrow will bring a brighter future, filled with immense possibilities and prosperous growth.

But all of us, together, even though coming from different places and influences, breathe the same current existence. In that way, we are all alike.

This mindset is crucial and the experience we are living and being given must count for something, if not all the lives already lost will have been in vain.

Therefore, to overcome this “war” we must work together, strive to demand the best in ourselves, making sure we influence those around you. Motivate one another, care for one another, truly talk to one another, cherish life.

What will tomorrow bring? The birth and clear awakening of our reality and what we make of it, making sure each step we take and each word we choose count.

  João Costa Pereira is a Senior Consultant at AMP Associates, a specialist in international communication and advisory