Key workers in the Scottish Highlands will be able to get tested for coronavirus at a new drive-through centre at Inverness Campus.

The centre is expected to open on Sunday by appointment-only basis for NHS staff and other key workers.

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Front-line NHS staff will be the first to be offered PCR swabs to identify whether they currently have the virus as part of Government attempts to drastically increase Covid-19 testing.

The Inverness centre will be offering self-administered tests by appointment for NHS staff and other key workers.

Drive-through testing centres are already in operation at Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh airports.

The UK Government said those tested in Inverness can expect results within “a few days”.

Those who test negative for coronavirus will be able to return to work as soon as possible, while workers who test positive can take time off to try to recover.

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Scotland Office minister Douglas Ross said: “This new UK Government-funded testing centre in Inverness will help key workers living in the area continue their vital work, helping to look after those who need it most.

“The UK Government has committed to expand our testing capacity right across the UK and this new centre is now one of four throughout Scotland.

“We will continue to work for everyone in the UK to save lives and protect our NHS.”

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