The number of deaths in Scotland involving a laboratory-confirmed case of coronavirus has edged closer to 1000, with another dozen fatalities overnight.

Nicola Sturgeon announced the latest grim figures at the Scottish Government’s daily briefing.

She said the number of fatalities had risen by 12 since Sunday morning to 915.

As of 9am this morning, there were 8450 positive cases, up 263 from the 8187 on Sunday.

There were also 1809 patients in hospital with suspected or confirmed Covid-19, up 12 overnight

Of these, 169 were in intensive care units, a decrease of five on Sunday’s 174.

As always, Ms Sturgeon stressed the death figures were likely to be an underestimate, especially as death records slowed down over the weekend. 

The National Records of Scotland death count, which include suspected as well as lab-confirmed cases of coronavirus, stood at 962 as of April 12, a quarter in care homes.

It is due to produce figures up to April 19 on Wednesday, showing more than 1000 cases.