It has been confirmed that Boris Johnson did not attend five meetings of the key Government Cobra committee in the build-up to the coronavirus outbreak.

Michael Gove confirmed the reports this morning insisting that criticism of Boris Johnson was “grotesque”.

#BorisResign has been trending following the news while others have defended the Prime Minister. 

READ MORE:  Boris Johnson 'skipped five Cobra meetings on coronavirus and ignored scientist warnings'

Cabinet Minister Michael Gove said: "The idea the Prime Minister skipped meetings that were vital to our response to the coronavirus is grotesque. The Prime Minister took all the major decisions.

"Nobody can say that he wasn't throwing heart and soul into fighting this virus. His leadership has been clear. He's been inspirational at times."

He added: “But then he wouldn't. Because most Cobra meetings don't have the Prime Minister attending them."

Labour, the SNP and the Liberal Democrats demanded to know why Mr Johnson appeared to have been “missing in action” as the pandemic unfolded.

READ MORE: Readers react to Boris Johnson skipping five Cobra meetings on coronavirus

Following the news, #BorisResign started to trend across the UK, with many calling for the Prime Minister to step down.

It followed an investigation in The Sunday Times in which a Whitehall source claimed the Government “missed the boat on testing and PPE” (personal protective equipment) and “just watched” as the death toll mounted in Wuhan, China.

The virus has now claimed the lives of more than 2 million people worldwide, including 15,464 in hospitals in the UK, according to latest figures.