Supermarket giant Morrisons is now offering all NHS staff 10 per cent off their shopping to support them through the Covid-19 pandemic.

The chain is making the discount available to all 1.5 million health service workers, as a thank you for their hard work on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic.

David Potts, Morrisons Chief Executive said: “This discount is our thank you to all those working in the National Health Service at this very difficult time.

“We are giving them our full support and gratitude as they continue to care for and support the nation during the Covid-19 pandemic.”

  • When does the discount come into effect?

The discount can be used from Thursday, April 16, and it will remain valid for the next 12 weeks in all Morrisons stores across the country.

Continued use of the offer will then be reviewed later in the year, on July 12.

  • How can I claim this offer?

If you work as a health worker for the NHS, you claim this offer by simply presenting a valid form of ID to checkout staff. You’ll then receive the 10 per cent discount on your shopping bill in Morrisons stores nationwide.

  • Other initiatives to help NHS workers

This discount comes after several other initiatives have been introduced by the supermarket company to support NHS staff during the crisis.

One such measure is their NHS Shopping Hour. This is an hour at the start of every day during which Morrisons stores nationwide allow exclusive access to NHS workers.

The scheme was put in place to ensure NHS staff can find the essential groceries they need before starting their shifts.

NHS Hour takes place between 6am and 7am on weekdays and Saturdays, and from 9am to 9.30am on Sundays.

Additionally, Morrisons is also launching a new click and collect food box service called ‘NHS Food Boxes’, which supplies food to hospital car parks.

This gives busy NHS staff easy access to essential groceries, and fits in with their increasingly demanding work schedules.

The click and collect service will initially cover 22 hospitals and will be available later this week.


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