Tens of millions of people across the UK are stuck indoors right now thanks to the coronavirus lockdown. 

But police appear to be ignoring their own social distancing rules during events intended to pay tribute to NHS workers. 

On Westminster Bridge, London, officers and members of the public gathered last night to clap for people working on the frontline - and were immediately slammed on social media for failing to observe the rules all the rest of are following. 

A similar event also took place in Fife, when dozens of officers stood shoulder to shoulder outside Victoria Hospital alongside NHS workers. 

Glenrothes Police tweeted: "Big thanks to all the NHS workers across the UK from all the Emergency Services who came together tonight at Victoria Hospital to show our appreciation. #OurNHS #COVID19."

The event was heavily criticised on social media.

"So much for public gatherings of more than two people currently being banned," one Twitter user roared.

"I’m pretty certain these lockdown rules apply to everyone?

"I think if you are the photos and the videos taken there are clearly a number of members of the public in this, have to agree all for appreciation but this was not your smartest efforts," another exclaimed. 

One of the commenters questioned why police were able to stop ordinary people from hanging around in groups but congregate in large numbers themselves. 

"This is disgraceful," they opined. 

"I can't believe the stupidity of clapping for the NHS without social distance and then compounding the stupidity by posting photographs!

"I will be saving these photos to show to any police officer who uses current legislation to stop me doing something.

However, some commenters told a different story. 

"My wife works at the Vic and was there last night," one person tweeted.

"She says she hadn’t seen such grins on her colleagues’ faces for weeks.

"The event took place after a shift change, so folk in civilian clothing are staff going home. I think there are too many haters. See it for what it is."

We have written to Police Scotland for comment.

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