Farmers on a Hebridean island are showing their appreciation for the NHS - by spraypainting sheep with rainbows and messages.

A flock of 11 sheep and lambs on Islay in the Inner Hebrides have been decorated with brightly coloured hearts and 'NHS' in large letters

The animals belong to farmer Andrew Jones, but it was his girlfriend, Sophie, who came up with the idea of painting them.

It only took around an hour to paint the flock, but the response has been 'phenomenal' from islanders.

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“We were just wanting to show appreciation for the NHS frontline staff and a bit of a cheerier note for people to see on social media, rather than the doom and gloom," said Andrew, 32.

The Herald: Credit: SWNSCredit: SWNS

“Locals are sticking to the rules well over here and barely going out but people that live close to the coast will drive or walk by.

“We’ve got the sheep in a field close to the road so people can see these colourful sheep."

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The pictures have attracted the attention of hundreds on social media.

Andrew added: “When I put them on the farm’s Facebook I expected a lot more negativity but 99.9 per cent of people have been brilliant and wanting to share it.

“It’s just something different.

“There’s plenty of NHS staff on the island as well.”


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