Television presenter, Ben Fogle, has called on the UK to sing Happy Birthday to the Queen on Tuesday 21st April at 9am.

Queen Elizabeth II, who will be turning 94, recently addressed the nation about the coronavirus pandemic as she spends time in semi-self isolation at Windsor Castle with the Duke of Edinburgh.

In only the fifth televised address of her 68-year reign, the monarch said: "Together, we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remain united and resolute, then we will overcome it."

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The 46-year-old television presenter, best known for his work with the BBC, ITV. and Channel 5, tweeted:

"It’s the Queens birthday next Tuesday. Let’s throw her a surprise. At 9am 21st April, we are calling on the whole country to sing Happy Birthday from our windows and doorsteps. Let our song bring good cheer not just to Her Majesty but to the whole nation #singforthequeen"

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People on Twitter were quick to react to the idea:

"This is a nice idea but I’m clapping for the PM at 0830, dancing for the Police at 9AM, jazz hands for the judiciary at 0930 and arm waving for the army at 10AM so no real time for this"

Another simply replied:

"She ain't gonna knight you, mate"

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Lizze suggested setting up a 'Yodel for Fogel' campaign:

"I’m organising “Yodel for Fogle” and would like everyone to stand on their doorsteps and yodel while thinking about Ben Fogle. No set time, just as and when."

This comes a week after the Queen gave a historic address to the nation amid the battle against Covid-19 saying "We will meet again".