A delivery driver accidentally spilled vast amounts of milk on the streets of Ayrshire today - prompting claims he would be out of a job tomorrow.

But we're glad to report that the Mills Milk employee has no reason to sob about the spillage because the firm which employs him has guaranteed he won't be fired for the mistake. 

The incident has sparked tears of laughter, rather than sadness, after going viral on social media. 

Earlier today a Facebook user called David Strawhorn posted an image of a delivery driver who had dropped dozens of milk cartons on the street outside Kilwinning Station. 

"Anyone want a job delivering milk for Mills Milk?" he wrote.

"I suspect they'll be hiring in the morning"

"Udderly shocking," a commenter then wrote. 

We called Mills Milk and were told the driver would not be losing his job.

Director Alastair Mills said: "Somebody sent the picture to me and I said: 'There is no point crying over spilt milk.'

"What happened is the driver went around the corner, the door opened by mistake and it all fell out.

"I was talking to the driver when he got back, it was a genuine mistake.

"It's just one of those things. There's nothing you can do about it."

Mills Milk has been working to deliver milk to vulnerable people during the coronavirus lockdown.

It already supplies the City Mission in Glasgow with free milk and has recently started giving Crosshouse Hospital milk during the crisis.