THE NUMBER of Scottish Government staff off sick due to mental health has risen each of the last five years.

In 2019, the number of directly employed Scottish Government staff who were absent due to mental illness at least once was 611 – more than double the number who took leave for the same reason in 2015 at 274. The number of staff absent has increased each of the last five years, as has the percentage of staff who were ill due to mental health.

In 2019, 185 Scottish Government staff members took long-term sick leave due to mental health with the maximum length of absence for one worker at 224 days.

READ MORE: "Epidemic" warning as Scottish child mental health waiting time targets missed

Conservatives have called for more support to be offered to staff.

Scottish Tory health spokesperson, Miles Briggs, said: “It's very concerning that the number of staff who have gone on sick leave with a mental health related condition has doubled in the last five years.

“Mental health is beginning to be acknowledged to be just as important as physical health and it is vital the Scottish Government Employees are given the support they need in the workplace." 

“SNP Ministers are in charge of the Scottish Government and they must take responsibility for the mental health of their employees and take actions to improve mental health support for staff.”

The headcount, percentage of the workforce and the number of workers off long-term due to mental illness have all increased.

Scottish Liberal Democrat health spokesperson, Alex Cole-Hamilton, said: “The number of Scottish Government staff off sick with mental health has skyrocketed. It’s quite clear the civil service is under strain.

“Scottish Liberal Democrats have consistently asked the government to break the cycle of years of under-investment in mental health and deliver a step change in the way we treat it, but we are still a long way off the required transformation.

“It’s no surprise to see the Scottish Government face the same pressures as the police workforce and NHS staff because of tight budgets. Ministers must consider how best to reduce the burden on over-pressured staff and ensure they have speedy access to help when they need it.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “Supporting employees to have good mental health is a priority for the Scottish Government. We have a range of wellbeing and staff support measures to help colleagues maintain their mental health, and also to provide support during periods of illness."