Pub giant JD Wetherspoon is marking Brexit by reducing the price of 10 drinks from January 31.

Its so-called “Let’s stay friends” move will offer customers around 60p off drinks which originate in European countries including Germany, France, Spain, Poland, Holland and Ireland, as well as from across the UK.

The promotion will run until February 29 in all of the company’s 870 pubs in Britain.


The drinks include Estrella Galicia (Spain), Beck’s (Germany), Peroni (Italy), Tyskie (Poland), Jameson Irish Whiskey (Republic of Ireland), and Grey Goose Vodka (France).

Customers will be able to buy a bottle of Beck’s for £1.49, a bottle of Peroni at £1.99, Grey Goose Vodka (175ml and mixer) for £2.99, and a pint of Ruddles (England) for £1.49 at 700 Wetherspoon pubs. Prices will vary at the other Wetherspoon pubs.

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Wetherspoon chairman Tim Martin said: “Many of our customers are keen to celebrate Brexit.

“At the same time we want to remain friends with our European neighbours and offer a range of drinks at an excellent price.

“In my opinion, there has been far too much political posturing in negotiations between the UK and the EU up until now.

“The UK should aim to treat all countries of the world equally by eliminating current protectionist tariffs on nearly 13,000 non-EU imports, which cause every person, and most businesses in the UK, to pay artificially high prices for everyday goods, including rice, oranges, wine and children’s clothing and shoes.

“The EU and UK need to understand that tariffs and protectionism are counter-productive.

BrexitWetherspoons boss Tim Martin said there has been too much political posturing in negotiations between the UK and the EU (Jonathan Brady/PA)

“UK consumers will shun EU goods if tariffs are imposed on UK exports – as EU consumers might do if the roles were reversed.

“It is therefore pointless for one side to threaten the other with tariffs.

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“The public and businesses will be the ultimate decision-makers through their purchasing choices.

“Let’s stay friends and enjoy free trade, but take account of the economic reality.

“Consumers hold the whip hand in these negotiations, not governments.”