A Scottish university has launched an appeal for the owner of a missing hamster to come forward - after the pet was found munching on a bag of chips near the institution.

Zoology staff at the University of Glasgow were bewildered when they picked up their new furry friend outside the School of Life Sciences on Gibson Street last Thursday.

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Workers say they have no idea how the critter ended up on the street, although it did not seem to be in a frightened state and was said to be enjoying its chippie when it was discovered.

They have now launched an appeal to reunite the pet with its owner and have asked anyone with information on the animal to help them find its home.

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University bosses posted on Twitter: "Have you lost a hamster recently near @GUUnion? This sweet wee guy was found on Gibson Street by @UofGSoLS Zoology colleagues on Thursday morning, nibbling on some chips. Let us know if you can help us reunite this hamster with their owner."