A Scottish Conservative candidate who is set to appear on Question Time in Glasgow did not vote in the 2016 EU referendum.

Kirstene Hair, the former MP for Angus, commented that she chose not to vote at the time as she couldn't decide on whether to support the UK leaving or remaining within the EU, adding that she felt that there were strong arguments on both sides of the debate.

In an interview with the Courier newspaper in 2017, Ms Hair said: "I didn't vote on Brexit. I took the decision not to vote on it. It was incredibly difficult. The first time I've never voted in my life.

"It was very difficult because you get two arguments, very strong on both sides.

"I just ultimately couldn't make that decision and I thought I would therefore go with the will of the UK which, if I'm honest, I thought we would remain.

"But I left that to everyone else."

READ MORE: Panellists revealed for BBC Question Time in Glasgow

The 30-year-old politician added: "Now I think we all have to get behind it and say, you know what, that's the way the country voted and we have to make the best.

"I do think we've got good opportunities for the UK."

Ms Hair will appear alongside a number of panellists on BBC Question Time tonight, which is being broadcast live in Glasgow.

Guests include Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf, journalist Angela Haggerty and Labour's Barry Gardiner.