Glasgow’s Lord Provost has been criticised and urged to resign after it emerged she has claimed £8,000 in expenses for clothes, shoes and beauty products.

Eva Bolander reportedly spent £1,150 on 23 pairs of shoes and £435 for seven blazers between May 2017 and August 2019.

READ MORE: Glasgow's Lord Provost claims £8,000 on clothing and beauty treatments

Here's how Herald readers reacted to the story online.

“So things she needs for her job then. She attends many functions and high-level meetings representing Glasgow. Not like she can wear the generic suit and shoes that a man can get away with.” Alison Harrison, Facebook

“Just goes to show, like most politicians, she has no actual comprehension of the lives of ordinary people she is supposed to represent.” John Devlin, Facebook

“Is this what you call equal pay for women that all the other women in Glasgow council employ will now be entitled to. In hindsight, perhaps men might be a much lower cost option to the taxpayer in those jobs.” John Wastle, Facebook

“Utterly outrageous and shameful, no doubt she stepped over the multitude of Glasgow homeless on her way to buy her £100 knickers. This party is shameless.” Joseph McGee, Facebook

“This is quite frankly disgusting. Fine that such a person deserves a reasonable allowance for public duties but the items shown above are well beyond that. Taxpayers paying for her knickers for goodness sake!” Andrew McMillan,

“I support the SNP but she should be made to hand all the money back as should all politicians. I go to business meetings all around the world and never once have I put clothes through as business expenses.” John Renfew,

“Meanwhile Glasgow has turned into a filthy, unkempt dump!” Bernadette Potter,

“Presumably this is not the first time this has happened. We should always be given these figures for every senior council official especially the Lord Provost. It's important that our Lord Provost looks well dressed and well-groomed while going about her duties but that can be done for less money than that. Lots of women look really good and they have tighter budgets. It's time that our politicians led by example and that applies to them all. 

“In all this and similar situations, we should never leave these things up to individuals themselves to monitor. There should be a set allowance each year for personal care and it should be an allowance that leaves no room for an overspend.” Patricia Calder,

“I sincerely hope that this is untrue! If it isn’t she must immediately pay it back or be charged with financial misuse of the council budget!” Liz Campbell, Twitter

“When all is said and done the SNP are no better when it comes to expenses in local government than the rest … tighter legislation is needed and a complete overhaul of accountability is needed. Pay it out your wages like the rest of us. Disgusting.” Mark Martin, Twitter