Around 10,000 people are expected to take to the streets of Aberdeen on Saturday in support of Scottish independence.

Councillors have approved the request from pro-indy group All Under One Banner to march through the city, subject to safety conditions.

A spokesman for AUOB told our sister paper The National: “There is no variation on the route that we agreed and no variation on the timing so we are good to go with the biggest ever demonstration for independence that Aberdeen and the North East of Scotland has seen to date.”

Estimated figures currently sit at around 10,000 people, but AUOB says they will 'find out on Saturday just how many will be there'.

Aberdeen City Council’s licensing sub-committee voted to approve the march and rally, but gave a list of conditions which they say are “necessary for public safety”.

READ MORE: 'At least 13,000' join All Under One Banner Ayr march in support of Scottish independence, organisers say 

But organisers say they do not intend to pay 'thousands' for the traffic regulation order, and say they cannot afford it.

A spokesman for AUOB said: “We will happily meet the condition on the number of stewards and the traffic regulation order is taken care of.

“They asked us to pay for the order but we cannot afford it and we told them that.”

The group had originally wanted the procession to begin at Castlegate and travel through to Duthie Park, but the route is now confirmed as gathering at Albyn Place and then marching on to Castlegate via Union Street and Castle Street.

READ MORE: All Under One Banner submit plans for 2020 Scottish independence march in Glasgow

Marchers will gather to leave at 1.30pm sharp, and walk through Albyn Place, Allford Place, Union Street, Castle Street and finish Castlegate.