Ruth Davidson has said she expects all of the Conservative leadership candidates to rule out a referendum on Scottish independence.

The comments from the Scottish Tory leader come as Home Secretary Sajid Javid becomes the ninth MP to enter the race after Prime Minister Theresa May announced her plan to resign last week.

Asked if she would expect all candidates to rule out a section 30 order - the legal mechanism that transfers power to Holyrood to stage a second plebiscite - Ms Davidson said: "To be honest I would probably expect them to do that.

"We've yet to see the manifestos from any of them, so in terms of what they bring forward let me judge it when it comes.

"But I can't imagine there will be any of them that are running to grant it."

Ms Davidson's comments come after First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she expected Scotland to vote for independence the next time a referendum is held.

Speaking in Dublin, she said: "There will be another Scottish independence referendum and I will make a prediction today that Scotland will vote for independence and we will become an independent country just like Ireland, and the strong relationship between our two countries now will become even stronger soon.

"I want to see Scotland having the choice of independence within this term of the Scottish Parliament, which ends in May 2021, so towards the latter half of next year would be when I think is the right time for that choice."

Ms Sturgeon also confirmed legislation for a second referedum would be tabled this week.