JEREMY Corbyn is facing intense pressure from Shadow Cabinet members to change tack and swing fully behind supporting a second referendum on a Brexit deal in wake of the party’s “disastrous” showing in the Euro-poll.

After Labour lost 10 of its 20 MEPs and managed only 14 per cent of the vote to place it third behind Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party and the Liberal Democrats, senior colleague after senior colleague lined up to urge the Labour leader to change direction on Brexit.

But Len McCluskey, the leader of the Unite union and a close ally of the party leader, urged the party to “hold our nerve” and not abandon the “honourable objective” of uniting the nation on Brexit.

The trade union chief, without naming names, warned some were now rushing to advance other agendas but were doing so to undermine Mr Corbyn.

"They will be seen for what they are and never forgiven by the members," he added.

As the Euro-poll results began to drop Emily Thornberry, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, tore into her party's Brexit position live on air.

"We went into an election where the most important issue was 'what was our view on leaving the European Union?' and we were not clear about it. We were not clear on the one single thing that people wanted to hear and that wasn't their fault.

"We sent people out to campaign on that and, unfortunately, we just weren't clear enough."

Ms Thornberry added: "I fear we will have no deal and we must be clear it will be a disaster for the country so we must have a second referendum."

Tom Watson, the deputy leader, who has backed a second vote, said: “Following the disastrous EU election results, Labour urgently needs to re-think its Brexit position and realign with members and voters," he declared.

His frontbench colleague Sir Keir Starmer was adamant a second referendum was the "only way" to break the Brexit impasse.

"It's no use trying to hide from these very disappointing results. We need to reflect hard and listen to our members, supporters and voters.

"The only way to break the Brexit impasse is to go back to the public with a choice between a credible leave option and Remain."

The Shadow Brexit Secretary added: "But as we move forward on this, we must remain united and able to speak to and for the country as a whole whichever way people voted in 2016."

The calls for a change of tack also came from Mr Corbyn’s closest friends in the Shadow Cabinet.

John McDonnell, the Shadow Chancellor, tweeted: “Of course, I want a general election. But I realise how difficult this is to secure. I will do anything I can to block no-deal Brexit. So yes if, as likely GE not possible, then I support going back to the people in another referendum."

Diane Abbott, the Shadow Home Secretary, also too to social media, saying: "We have to take the time to analyse the EU vote. But, when we come in third after the Brexit party, that is a clue something is wrong with our strategy. We need to listen to our members and take a clearer line on a public vote."

But Richard Burgon, the Shadow Justice Secretary, insisted: "The message of trying to bring people together who voted Remain and Leave is the right message.

"It was never going to work in this kind of low-turnout EU election where the people most interested in this important issue of Brexit, whether it is to Remain or Leave, came out to vote. A general election would be very different," he added.

Mr Corbyn said that the leadership was now consulting members and affiliates as well as MPs and shadow ministers and would “bring the issue back to conference in September”.

He stressed there had to be an agreement with the EU and then a public vote, although he did not specify if he meant a general election or a second referendum.

“The priority, at the moment, is for this government to call for a general election so we can decide the future. That is a demand that should be made as strongly as possible," added the Labour leader.