With just 18 days until the UK is scheduled to leave the EU, this week is critical for the UK Government

But, one day before MPs are due to hold another meaningful vote, Brexit negotations between Theresa May and the EU remain deadlocked.

The Prime Minister remains locked in talks with European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker after failing to find a breakthrough over the weekend.

Talks will continue today, with the aim of securing changes to the deal before tomorrow, but a lack of progress threatens to derail a week of crucial votes.

Read more: Theresa May fights to save Brexit plan amid warnings of another crushing defeat

How will this week's meaningful work?

The Herald:

Theresa May's deal is currently scheduled to face a "meaningful vote" in Parliament on Tuesday.

If the Prime Minister's deal is rejected again, a further vote was promised for Wednesday on whether the UK should leave without a deal.

If the option of no deal is rejected, MPs expected to vote on Thursday on whether to request a delay of Article 50 - which would postpone Brexit temporarily.

As talks in Brussels stall again, the government is reportedly expected to try and water down Tuesday's vote to a provisional one.

What happened last time?

Theresa May's Brexit deal has already been rejected by MPs, suffering the largest defeat for a sitting government government in history.

Read more: Humiliated Theresa May suffers biggest government defeat in history

After postponing the vote in December, believing she didn't have the mandate, MPs voted by 432 votes to 202 to reject Mrs May's deal.

In January it was defeated by a majority of 230.


Right now, Theresa May faces another massive Commons defeat. Her deal has to reverse more than 200 votes to win approval. A last-minute breakthrough from Brussels isn't out of the question but, without any changes to the text of the deal itself, it may not be enough to persuade MPs to the back the Prime Minister. 

Without any steps forward, will Mrs May walk into another Commons vote when it is almost certain her deal will be voted down again? It is reported that the government will try and change the nature of tomorrow's vote to be provisional instead of meaningful. But, with less than three weeks to go, voting on a hypothetical scenario won't go down well with the House.