NICOLA Sturgeon said a People’s Vote to reverse Brexit would be the best way to protect Scotland’s interests short of independence after the dramatic collapse of Theresa May’s plan.

The First Minister said Mrs May and her government had suffered a “defeat of historic proportions” and it would be “unconscionable to kick the can any further down the road”.

READ MORE: Theresa May's Brexit deal suffers crushing Commons defeat 

She said a second referendum on Brexit was the only option “within the UK” that would respect the 62-38 vote for Remain north of the border in the EU ballot of 2016.

She said the first step should be to extend the Article 50 withdrawal process.

The EU has already said it would be willing to do this for a short period, deferring the March 29 exit day until July, to give the UK more time to decide what it wants.

At Westminster, SNP leader Ian Blackford called for immediate cross-party talks to divine the will of the Commons on the way ahead.

He also said the SNP would be “delighted” to back Labour’s no confidence motion in the government today.

Ms Sturgeon said: “After two and a half years of Westminster chaos, Scotland must not be ignored any longer. Our place in Europe must be protected.

“It has been crystal clear for months that the Prime Minister’s approach was heading for a crushing defeat. Instead of facing up to that fact, she wasted valuable time with her postponement of the meaningful vote in December. There is no more time to waste.

“What must happen now is clear. Firstly, and most urgently, the clock must be stopped on the Article 50 process. This is the only way to avoid any possibility of the UK crashing out of the EU on 29 March without a deal.

“Secondly, legislation must be brought forward to put this issue back to the electorate in another referendum. The government has had more than two and a half years to deliver a workable Brexit plan and it has completely failed to do so. The notion that it can do so now in a matter of weeks is farcical.”

Despite the scale of defeat on her Brexit plan, Mrs May is expected to win today’s confidence vote as Tory MPs have no appetite for a general election or a Labour government.

Northern Ireland’s DUP, who prop up the minority Conservative government, have said they will support Mrs May, saying they want a new plan, not a new Prime Minister.

READ MORE: Brexit crisis just got much deeper – who, if anyone, will take control?

Ms Sturgeon went on: “Regardless of who leads the government, the reality is that a second EU referendum, with the option of remain on the ballot paper, is now the only credible option to avoid untold damage to the economy and the prospects of future generations.

“It is also the only option, within the UK, that would allow Scotland’s democratic wish to remain in Europe to be respected.”

Speaking in the Commons immediately after last night’s result, Mr Blackford said the government had to reach out to parties it had hitherto ignored in a bid for consensus.

He said: “It is clear the clock is ticking. The government needs to secure the safety of all our nations, and should immediately postpone the Article 50 process.”

He said the government should start have talks with the leaders of all the opposition parties immediately.

“Let’s work together in all our interests, but let’s listen to the voices of the parliamentarians that have been sent here.

“There is no support for this deal. It mustn’t come back again. The obvious thing to do, the right thing to do, is suspend Article 50, put this to the people in a People’s Vote.”

Pete Wishart, the longest-serving SNP MP, predicted Mrs May would lose by 130 votes.

He said it was “devastating” for her that the margin of defeat had been 100 higher.