IT was like a revivalist rally.

Hairs were standing up across thousands of Socialist necks as showtime with Jezza finally arrived.

After the Liverpool People’s Choir set the mood with the comradely anthem of “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother,” the roof almost came off the Liverpool auditorium as delegates shouted, whooped and cheered to greet the shimmering arrival of the Reverend Jeremy.

Needless to say, another anthem struck up immediately as JC slowly breathed in wave after wave of Labour adulation: “Oooooh Jeremy Corbyn! Oooooh Jeremy Corbyn!”

One happy-clappy comrade a few seats down was clad in Labour red, including a red bowler hat. He was dancing around as if Labour had already won the election.

Of course, the party leader had to begin his Socialist sermon by thanking the workers – who else? - who had made the conference possible.

And to settle the troops down, there was a joke at Boris Johnson’s expense; naturally.

Insisting, unlike the Tories who got their money from dodgy donors and shoddy business clubs, Labour’s funds came from ordinary honest types, Jezza insisted: “So I don’t have to play tennis with an oligarch. Labour trades in hope for the many, not favours for the few.”

Another target was, of course, the Tory propagandists of HM Press.

The Reverend Jeremy insisted the freedom of the press had to be protected and pointed to noble Turkish and Colombian journalists who had been imprisoned for holding authoritarian governments to account.

But, of course, British journalists were different. Hiss. The free press here too often meant the freedom to spread lies and to “smear the powerless, not take on the powerful”. Hiss.

He denounced the Press’s “propaganda of privilege” and said it could be challenged by ordinary folk taking to social media.

Jezza insisted Labour was “ready to take charge” and appealed to the comrades to show solidarity and unity. When Labour was divided, he told the congregation, the only winners were the rich and their champion: the Tories.

There was an attempt to mollify those in the Jewish community outraged by anti-Semitism within the party as the leader, his voice reducing to almost a whisper, recognised their “immense hurt and anxiety,” and insisted the Labour movement would be “implacable campaigners” against all racism.

And the Socialist hero went on the attack, lambasting the Tories for backing the right-wing authoritarian government of Hungary’s Viktor Orban, and of creating the “hostile environment” that created the Windrush scandal.

This, declared Jezza, was a “nasty, cynical politics, that demeans our whole country”. And there was another biff to Bozza’s chin as he decried the former Foreign Secretary’s “dog-whistle jibe at Muslim women” over the letter-box burka row.

But arguably the loudest rise in volume came when Jezza announced that a Labour government in its first year would recognise the state of Palestine. Delegates rose to their feet and several Palestinian flags were waved as the conference whooped and clapped their approval.

Of course, the subject that hangs over all of us made a late appearance.

Reverend Jeremy denounced Theresa May for wanting to create a post Brexit dystopia where the rich flourished in a low tax haven and workers saw their rights destroyed.

Liam Fox, the Trade Secretary, was itching to privatise the NHS “with a side order of chlorinated chicken”.

Then the chief comrade raised another Tory bogeyman: Jacob Rees-Mogg. Boos echoed around the conference hall. The ardent Brexiteer, quipped Jezza, had expressed his personal faith in Brexit Britain by, er, deciding to base his new investment fund in the eurozone.

Touching oh-so-briefly on the Labour split on the People’s Vote, the hairy Leftie noted how Keir Starmer had negotiated an agreement on the subject between the party’s factions, saying how “getting one in Brussels should be a piece of cake”.

The final flourish had a central message: “we’re ready to take charge”. Labour, insisted Jezza, was offering a radical plan to transform and rebuild Britain into the New Jerusalem. “Together we can.”

And that was it. As the screen behind Jezza showed people creating the message “Rebuilding Britain,” there was an earthquake of cheering and clapping. The Socialist Messiah grinned broadly. More “Ooooh Jeremy Corbyn!” chants.

Comrades, believe it: the day of the Socialist Revolution is nigh…Or maybe not.