NICOLA Sturgeon has started reshuffling her cabinet, with Economy Secretary Keith Brown leaving to focus on campaigning for independence.

Mr Brown, who earlier this month became deputy leader of the SNP, had been seen as one of the poorer performers in cabinet, with economic growth persistently lagging behind UK rates. 

The party claimed his exit, and the loss of his £42,000 salary bump, would bring him an "enhanced depute leader role".

However Mr Brown previously claimed he could be both depute leader and a cabinet secretary, and the move will be seen as a demotion.

The First Minister, who returned to Scotland from a trade mission in Berlin this morning, will announce her full ministerial team this afternoon.

The normal early Tuesday meeting of the Scottish cabinet has been cancelled.

The beleaguered Health Secretary Shona Robison is seen as the most likely change at the top, however she may be moved sideways rather than sacked.

Social security minister Jeanne Freeman, Brexit minister Michael Russell and Transport minister Humza Yousaf have been tipped for elevation to cabinet level.

Among the new intake of 2016, Kate Forbes, Ivan McKee and Gail Ross are regarded as likely to become ministers for the first time.

The changes are expected to maintain the gender balance of Ms Sturgeon’s last cabinet.

Ms Sturgeon, who became First Minister in November 2014, has made only minor changes to her ministerial team since entering Bute House.

However a series of problems in health, including missed waiting time targets and financial issues at NHS Tayside, have been adding to pressure for a refresh before the 2021 election.

Despite failing to deliver a long-awaited Education Bill, deputy First Minister John Swinney is seen as safe.