Former Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale was on the warpath over dirty dishes in her latest outing on the ITV reality show I’m A Celebrity ... Get Me Out Of Here.

The once would-be First Minister who arrived on the reality show last week has already been plunged into the deep end in a nauseating Bushtucker trial involving retreiving red stars within boxes filled with raw meat, fish guts and creepy crawlies as part of her induction.

The Lothian MSP has already been through the mill struggling to down a foaming smoothie made of bull's penis and another of ostrich and pig's anus on live TV.

The Herald:

The Herald:

Now the 36-year-old has turned her attention to fellow campmates including champion boxer Amir Khan complaining about the execution of some of their chores, starting first on Vanessa White, the Saturdays pop star.

“Vanessa, this is going to sound really rude and really cheeky but these pans aren’t that clean, " she said.

The Herald:

"You’re going to have to watch that tonight because there’s all rice and stuff stuck to them. It’s just that we’ve got to eat out of these as well. I’m sorry if that’s a bit rude.”

Ms White, whose duty was to clean the pans replied: “No it’s not at all rude”.

Ms Dugdale then tackled boxer Amir Khan on his boiling water duties.

The Herald:

“I feel like I’m bossing you about this morning I’m so sorry but would you mind emptying that in to the water thing because I can’t lift it that high," she said, suggesting that he put on another pot of water to boil before they left for a trial.

But she still wasn't happy as Mr Khan put another pot of water on the fire to ball.

“Do you think it needs one log in the middle” she added as the pan sloped to one side unevenly.

Ms Dugdale added “There’s a list of duties that need to be done. Like stuff just needs to get done and it’s frustrating me and it’s making me a bit angsty. I found myself getting a little bit nippy with people in a way that I don’t want to be. Yes there are people in particular who are not pulling their weight but I shouldn’t name them. I’m going to wait until I properly lose it before I name them.”

The Herald:

Mr Khan commented: “So Kez has got me working like crazy. I just take everything in and I just don’t let it get to me. I do get angry inside but I think whatever because at the end of the day they’re in the same position as me.”

As she entered the jungle, Ms Dugdale said that her biggest worries about appearing on the ITV reality show involved insects, as she was well practised in the art of “dealing with rats and snakes”.

Ms Dugdale’s appearance in the reality programme has divided viewers and politicians.