THE firing of the Edinburgh Castle gun signalled the start of Armistice Day services yesterday.

Members of the armed forces and veterans held a two-minute silence at 11am in the capital's Garden of Remembrance at an event organised by Legion Scotland.

Today the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will join wreath-layers at the Stone of Remembrance at Edinburgh City Chambers to remember those who have fallen in conflicts.

The Veterans Minister Keith Brown has also said people should use Remembrance Sunday to commit themselves to ensuring future generations are "spared the horrors of war".

He will lay a wreath on behalf of the people of Scotland at the cenotaph at Puller Memorial Park at the Bridge of Allan Remembrance Service.

A two-minute silence will be held in the centre of Glasgow at 11am today as a mark of remembrance.

The silence is part of a service at the cenotaph in George Square led by the city's Lord Provost, Eva Bolander.

She said: "Remembrance Sunday is a day for reflection and gratitude for those who gave their lives in conflict to preserve our freedoms.

"Glasgow owes its military and veterans a great debt. We are proud to remember those who fell and to support our serving military."

Moderator of Glasgow Presbytery, the Rev Ian Galloway, will lead prayers and Deputy First Minister John Swinney will be in attendance.