Former England footballer David Beckham admitted he is “worried” for the future of his children as he shared his thoughts about the political climate.

The father-of-four, 42, mentioned especially his oldest son Brooklyn, who recently moved to New York to begin a university course.

While Beckham often keeps his political opinions to himself, he told the Evening Standard newspaper that he has “heated discussions with friends” behind closed doors.

The Herald:

“I do definitely feel passionate about politics at the moment,” he said.

“When you have children — young children and older children going to university in America — you are of course concerned and worried. What are their lives going to be like? That’s my main concern.”

He also made clear that discipline is a priority parenting skill and insisted that his children, including Romeo, Cruz and daughter Harper, are on the rota of household chores.

The Herald:

“Kids need to know there are boundaries, in life and in school: “Pick up your clothes — don’t make your parents do it. Pick up the wet towel from the floor. Unload the dishwasher”.”

Mentioning life with his wife of 18 years, former Spice Girl Victoria, he said it was “important” to make time for each other and that the pair enjoy a bottle of wine together over dinner during “date night” evenings out.