DAVID Mundell will today be urged to share the UK Government’s economic impact analysis of Brexit with MSPs.

The Scottish Secretary will appear before Holyrood’s cross-party European committee to discuss the Article 50 withdrawal process.

Mr Mundell will also be pushed on what powers being repatriated from Brussels in March 2019 will be devolved to Edinburgh.

He in turn will call on SNP ministers and MSPs to engage more with the Brexit process.

As drafted, the EU (Withdrawal) Bill at Westminster would see 111 devolved competencies repatriated to London, and some later passed to Holyrood.

Most parties at Holyrood say this is an unacceptable “power grab”.

Mr Mundell has promised Brexit will be a powers “bonanza” for the devolved administrations, but has often struggled to say which powers, promising more clarity by Christmas.

Joan McAlpine, the committee’s SNP convener, said: “It is now over 16 months since the EU Referendum and almost seven months since the UK Government chose to trigger Article 50, but many questions relating to the UK's withdrawal from the EU still remain unanswered.

"We will be putting key questions to the Secretary of State on the implications of withdrawal. Members will certainly ask to see any analysis conducted by the UK government.

“We also want to know which of the EU competences that fall to Scotland will be devolved.

“I hope that Mr Mundell's answers can give greater clarity for us, as well as people in Scotland, on what leaving the EU will mean."

Mr Mundell said: “There is a huge task ahead of us as the UK Government negotiates our exit from the EU. It is crucial that the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament are fully and constructively engaged with the Brexit process, so we can together deliver the best possible deal for Scotland and the whole of the UK as we leave the EU.

“People in Scotland, rightly, expect their two governments to work together and we want to work collaboratively with the Scottish Government and MSPs on this challenge.”

Brexit Minister Michael Russell yesterday asked Brexit Secretary David Davis to share the UK Government’s analysis of the impact of Brexit on 58 industrial sectors.