Prime Minister Theresa May has said the UK stands with New York City, following a terror attack which killed eight people including several Argentinians and a Belgian national.

More than a dozen others were injured in the incident, when a truck careered down a cycle path near the 9/11 memorial site in Manhattan on Tuesday.

The driver, who has been identified by law enforcement officials as Sayfullo Saipov, 29, was shot by police after jumping out of the rented vehicle with what turned out to be two fake guns.

He was taken to hospital and is in police custody.

In a statement President Donald Trump praised the actions of the first responders and tweeted that the incident “looks like another attack by a very sick and deranged person”.

He said law enforcement “is following” the attack closely and added: “NOT IN THE U.S.A.!”

The president also tweeted: “We must not allow ISIS to return, or enter, our country after defeating them in the Middle East and elsewhere. Enough!”

The terrorist group has not claimed responsibility for the attack.

In the wake of the carnage Argentina’s foreign ministry said “Argentine citizens died” in the atrocity, but did not say how many.

A statement said the Argentine Consulate in New York is working with local officials to identify the victims and that the Argentine government “is deeply shocked” by what happened.

It said: “Argentina reaffirms its strongest condemnation of terrorist acts and violence in all its manifestations and reiterates the need to deepen the fight against this scourge.”

A Belgian national was also among those killed in the attack, the country’s deputy prime minister and foreign affairs minister Didier Reynders said.

He tweeted: “I am deeply saddened to announce a Belgian victim in #Manhattan – I express my condolences to the family and friends.”

Meanwhile the UK Foreign Office has said it is standing by to provide assistance to any Britons affected by the atrocity.

A spokesman said: “We are in contact with the local authorities and stand ready to provide any assistance but are not aware of any British citizens involved as yet.”

Mrs May tweeted that she was “appalled by this cowardly attack,” Adding: “My thoughts are with all affected. Together we will defeat the evil of terrorism. UK stands with #NYC.”

Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York described the attack as “a particularly cowardly act of terror” that was “aimed at innocent civilians going about their daily lives”.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said it was a “lone wolf” attack, and there was no evidence it was part of a wider plot.

Police said the vehicle, a rented Home Depot truck, entered the cycle path on West Street and mowed down several people.

The truck also smashed into a yellow school bus, injuring two adults and two children.

A paintball gun and a pellet gun were found at the scene, police said.

There have been a number of attacks in the UK and Europe involving the use of vehicles as weapons, where vans or lorries are driven at crowds.

In July last year a lorry drove through crowds gathered to celebrate Bastille Day in Nice, killing 86 people and injuring scores more.

In December 2016, an attacker drove a lorry into a crowded Christmas market in central Berlin, killing 12 people and injuring 56 others.

This year in London vehicles have been used in attacks at Westminster, London Bridge and Finsbury Park.

London’s mayor Sadiq Khan paid tribute to the victims of the latest outrage, saying: “London stands in grief and solidarity with the great city of New York tonight after the despicable and cowardly terrorist attack in Manhattan.”

Meanwhile Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn tweeted: “Terrible reports of lives lost in NYC terror attack.

“My thoughts and solidarity are with those affected, their families & emergency services.”

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson tweeted: “UK stands united w/ US friends following the horrific #NYC attack. My thoughts are w/ everyone affected. We will not give in to terror.”