Avoiding university, calling in sick and cancelling weekend plans are among the extreme lengths Stranger Things fans have gone to in order to binge watch the show’s hotly anticipated new series.

Loyal viewers of the sci-fi Netflix drama boasted across social media of how fast they were consuming the second series after it went live on Friday morning.

While some fans were content with getting their fix on one or two episodes, others claimed they had finished the nine episodes by early afternoon.

@Dizzymts posted on Twitter: “I just finished and omg yes, yes you all did amazing.”

@Pippin_squeaks tweeted: “Just finished the season. Excellent.”

The social media network was ablaze with users tracking their progress on the series while others posted proudly of how they had managed to avoid other plans to watch it.

@Dadlightyear posted: “Anybody else call in sick this morning so that they could binge watch @Stranger_Things on @netflix all day long? #StrangerThings2.”

@Jake_Crosss tweeted: “Been saying one more episode then the rest later for past 3 hours… Can’t. Stop.”

@Dragonite 098 wrote: “3 hour math lecture? You mean watch three episodes of Stranger Things?”

@Martypaints tweeted: “I had plans this weekend but I have to cancel.. stranger things is on Netflix.”

@SophCav posted: “Looks like that Uni Assignment’s gonna be late. #StrangerThings2 is more important right now.”

Other fans are taking part in a worldwide “binge race” – watching all nine episodes in one sitting at special screenings across the globe.