A court in Istanbul has ordered eight human rights activists released from prison pending the outcome of their trial on charges of belonging to and aiding terror groups.

The defendants, including Amnesty International Turkey director Idil Eser, German citizen Peter Steudtner and Swede Ali Gharavi, were detained in a police raid while attending a digital security training workshop in July.

Their cases have heightened concerns of an authoritarian turn under Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The court ruled on the trial’s opening day to free eight of the 10 activists being tried at least until the proceedings end. The other two had already been let out of custody.

An 11th activist, Amnesty’s Turkey chairman, is being tried separately in another city and remains jailed.

The 10 defendants have been charged with plotting an uprising and aiding Kurdish and left-wing militants. They are also accused of abetting the movement led by a US-based cleric the Turkish government blames for last year’s coup attempt.

They face up to 15 years in prison if convicted on all charges.

Amnesty International Turkey director Idil Eser with colleagues after her release from Silivri prison outside IstanbulAmnesty International Turkey director Idil Eser with colleagues after her release from Silivri prison outside Istanbul (Emrah Gurel/AP)

“We are really grateful for everybody who supported us, legally, diplomatically, and with solidarity,” a visibly emotional Mr Steudtner said on his release.

Mr Gharavi said: “We have a big new family now, thank you everyone, wherever you are, however you did it, you got us out, thank you very much.”

Amnesty welcomed the release and vowed to continue to defend human rights in the country.

“Today, finally, we celebrate that our friends and colleagues can go back with their loved ones and can sleep in their own beds for the first time in almost four months,” said Amnesty secretary general Salil Shetty. Tonight we take a brief moment to celebrate, but tomorrow we will continue our struggle.”

German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel also welcomed the court’s decision and said Berlin would continue to seek the release of other Germans held in separate cases. He said the ruling showed German calls for a fair trial had been heeded.

The European Union’s commissioner for enlargement, Johannes Hahn, said on Twitter: “First step into right direction. Now further releases must follow, unfounded charges dropped.”

The trial was adjourned until November 22.

Earlier, as their trial opened, the defendants denied the accusations and asked to be released.

“I dedicated my life to truth and justice, and that is all I ask of this court,” Ozlem Dalkiran of the Citizens’ Assembly organisation said, according to Amnesty’s International director for Europe John Dalhuisen.

Human rights groups say the defendants are accused of “trumped-up” charges.

Amnesty Turkey chairman Taner Kilic, who was imprisoned in June, is appearing before a different court for alleged links to cleric Fethullah Gulen. He is accused of using an encrypted mobile messaging application allegedly employed by Mr Gulen’s network.

The cleric himself has denied masterminding the coup attempt.

“There is not a shred of evidence against the 11 human rights defenders,” Andrew Gardner, Amnesty International’s Turkey researcher, said.

“For 11 human rights defenders to be picked up after a routine human rights seminar is an escalation of repression in Turkey.”