A spectacular underwater concert is to be held at the Tramway, Glasgow, as part of a sound, music and art festival in the city.

The Sonica 2017 festival will stage a show which has taken nine years to create, en event by Denmark's Between Music which will see five musicians submerged in tanks of water playing instruments made especially for the occasion.

Elsewhere in the festival, which will run from October 26 to November 5, there will be 40 artists in 12 UK premieres and four world premieres.

Artists from 12 countries will present work across the city.

Between Music have worked with deep sea divers, scientists and instrument-makers to create compositions for five musicians submerged in large tanks of water that will glow in the darkened gallery.

Performers will sing beneath the surface using "specially developed vocal techniques" and play instruments custom-designed for use underwater – including adapted strings and percussion.

Sonica’s 2017 Artist in Residence will be Nelo Akamatsu from Japan, who will present two works at the festival.

Cryptic’s Artistic Director, Cathie Boyd, said: "Cryptic is thrilled to be able to open Sonica 2017 with an unmissable UK premiere of one of the most jaw-dropping concerts you're likely to see.

"AquaSonic is truly unlike anything audiences will have experienced before and to be able to show it to UK audiences for the first time is an honour for Sonica and Glasgow.

"We are also proud to present work from the most promising talents on the Scottish and UK arts scene, including the first UK performances of Shorelines, and to bring the cream of the visual sonic arts world to venues across Glasgow.

"With all installations free to attend, Sonica is the perfect opportunity to experience what happens when technology, science and art get together."

Tickets for AquaSonic are now on sale, with other events on sale July 2017 when further programme highlights will be announced.