A boy was found by a roadside in North Lanarkshire on Friday night suffering from hypothermia.

The 12-year-old had been drinking alcohol and had become separated from friends, Police Scotland said.

He was spotted at about 10.25pm, partially covered by bushes, in the Westerwood area of Cumbernauld near Dullatur roundabout.

Police said had he not been noticed by two members of the public, the consequences could have been tragic.

The man and woman contacted the emergency services and tended to the boy until the ambulance arrived.

He was taken to Monk-lands District General Hospital where he was treated and has since been released.

Local area police inspector Philip Rose said: “Thankfully he has made a full recovery.

“Advice has been given to him and his friends regarding the dangers of alcohol as well as wandering away from friends without telling them.”