A FORMER foster parent is facing a lengthy prison sentence after committing a catalogue of rape and sexual abuse against children.

Ronald Wilson, 65, was told of his fate after being unanimously convicted him of three rape offences and indecency and indecent assault crimes against three girls between 1975 and 1987.

At the High Court in Edinburgh, Judge Michael O’Grady QC said: “It is a statement of the obvious to say you have been convicted of the most appalling crimes.

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“Over a period of many years you have preyed on a succession of children who you have abused and used for your own obscene gratification.”

He added that Wilson had treated victims of his sex crimes “with something approaching contempt and depravity”.

And he said the man had shown “not a flicker of emotion” as victims recounted the ordeals they suffered at his hands during his trial.

Wilson, of Maybole, South Ayrshire, had denied a string of rape and sexual abuse charges and shook his head as a jury returned guilty verdicts of abuse on victims.

These included a girl of five while he was living in Dunfermline and also in the South Ayrshire town.

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He also indecently assaulted a second girl from the age of 15 between 1983 and 1985 whom he later raped.

The sex offender also preyed on another little girl when she was aged just four and five at houses in Maybole.

Wilson was placed on the sex offenders’ register and the Scottish Government will be notified of his conviction under protection of vulnerable groups legislation.