A BIZARRE Twitter account calling for an end to St Patrick's Day has attracted widespread comment online. 

The profile, @endstpats, condemns the Irish celebration as a "holiday based in white pride" that promotes xenophobia. 

Catholicism also comes under fire as a "white organisation oppressing millions", while Irish pride is compared to the rise of Nazism. 

Though some speculated that the account was satire in light of the history of persecution and ill-fortune suffered by the Irish, the account seemed to directly deny this.

One Tweet read: "People asking if this is a joke: it isnot. The idea of white ethnic pride is rooted in oppression. You can't celebrate oppression in 2017."

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Amongst the ridiculing of the campaign online were spoof calls to end Christmas as a "Roman holiday" too. 

Saint Patrick's Day is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland.

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The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland and celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general.