Workers at IT firm Fujitsu are to stage two fresh strikes in a dispute over jobs, pay and pensions.

Members of Unite will walk out on March 24 and 27 at sites across the UK, including Belfast, Birmingham, Edinburgh, London and Manchester.

The workers were on strike on Friday, mounting picket lines as part of a campaign over plans which Unite says will lead to 1,800 jobs being offshored.

National officer Ian Tonks said: "There has been magnificent support for today's strike action. Workers are rightly angry at Fujitsu which has gone out of its way to undermine and frustrate attempts by Unite to save jobs and redeploy people.

"Other than saying job cuts are on the cards, any meaningful plans for the business in the UK have yet to be shared with employees, leaving them in the dark over their futures. This is a contemptible way to treat a workforce which has worked hard to make Fujitsu in the UK highly profitable.

"Fujitsu needs to start seriously engaging with Unite over these plans which could damage customer service and the firm's reputation in the UK."