A stable block which was home to dozens of working horses in Glasgow city centre is to be turned into affordable homes.

A total of 52 flats will be built at the Bell Street stables site in the Merchant City area, according to GHA, part of Wheatley Group.

Planning approval has been granted and work is expected to start in spring this year.

The stables originally homed horses used by police as well as those which pulled Glasgow City cleansing department's refuse collection carts.

As well as creating the new flats, the existing facade on the category B listed building will be restored.

The Herald:

The original stable dividers will be changed into cycle-storage areas and staircases to the upper floors will replace the original ramps.

David Fletcher, GHA's director of regeneration, said: "This project will bring great quality, much-needed affordable homes to the city centre while bringing new life to a historic Glasgow building.

"We're looking forward to embarking on our exciting plans to create modern, energy-efficient homes that fully respect and pay tribute to the building's history."

Once completed, the flats will be available for mid-market rent and managed by Lowther Homes, also part of Wheatley Group.

The project has been given more than £2 million of grant funding from the Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council, with CCG (Scotland) named as the contractor.