A celebrity chef who helps disadvantaged young people learn culinary skills has been shortlisted for a youth work award.

Michelin-starred chef Tom Kitchin and the Citadel youth centre have been nominated for a national youth work partnership award for their Supper at the Citadel project.

The scheme offers young people a series of cooking classes at The Kitchin restaurant in Leith, Edinburgh, where as well as learning to cook they also gain experience of planning and teamwork.

The 10th national youth worker of the year awards, run by YouthLink Scotland, are a celebration of the work being done by the nation's 80,000 youth workers, paid and voluntary.

Mr Kitchin said: "For me, it is really important that I support the local community.

"I am really passionate about kids and youth, and trying to get people to do something with food and enjoy food."

Citadel youth centre manager Willy Barr said: "Many of the young folk who come here unfortunately go through their whole school career, sometimes, with little or no qualifications, so it is really important for us to keep them buoyant with their own confidence and think about what it is they want to do next.

"We thank Tom Kitchin for his support, generosity and belief in helping young people to be outstanding, he is a true champion of youth work."

One of the participants, Stephen McWhirter, is now on a job, education and training placement with Mr Kitchin and his team.

He said: "Lachlan, the head chef, teaches me something new each week and I help with the preparations.

"Tom showed me how to skin a pig's head. He chats to me each week and he even knows my mum, who brings her baking in for him to try."

There are ten distinctive categories in this year's awards including inspirational leadership; creative arts; educational attainment; partnership and volunteer of the year.

The nation's top youth worker of the year will also be announced on the night of the awards ceremony which takes place on March 16 at the Crowne Plaza in Glasgow.