Piers Morgan and Alex Salmond crossed swords on the issue of a second Scottish independence vote this morning. 

The former First Minister appeared on the ex newspaper editor's show, Good Morning Britain, to put across the case for indyref2

In a frank exchange of views, Morgan attacked the SNP's record in Government, as well as accusing Sturgeon of waiting for the most chaotic time to call for another vote. 

He added that some viewers had called for the English to have their own referendum to "boot out the Scots". 

READ MORE: Iain Macwhirter: Sturgeon draws first blood as the battle begins for real

Salmond defended Scotland's place in Europe with extreme historical precedent, harking back to William Wallace's victory at Stirling Bridge, as well as wryly called for English self-determination. 

Piers finishes the interview with a final jab "I've seen some revenge acts for a bad rugby performance, but this is really spiteful, really spiteful Alex Salmond."