The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers will allow female members for the first time in the club’s 273 year history.

After last May’s initial vote fell 14 votes short of the required two thirds majority, the second ballot returned an 80.2 per cent majority in favour of the motion as the male-only policy at Muirfield was lifted. A total of 621 votes were counted – a 92.7 per cent turnout - with 498 voting in favour of change and 123 against.

READ MORE: Muirfield In Pictures: The golf club that does not allow women members

“This is a significant decision for a club which was founded in 1744 and retains many of the values and aspirations of its founding members,” said Henry Fairweather, the club captain. “We look forward to welcoming women as members who will enjoy and benefit from the great traditions and friendly spirit of a remarkable club.”

In the aftermath of this morning’s result, the Royal & Ancient swiftly returned the East Lothian venue to the Open Championship rota after it was removed in the wake of the result of last year’s vote.

Martin Slumbers, the chief executive of The R&A, said: “In light of today’s decision by the Honourable Company we can confirm that Muirfield will become a venue for The Open once again.

“Muirfield has a long and important history of hosting The Open and with today’s announcement that will continue.

“It is extremely important for us in staging one of the world’s great sporting events that women can become members at all of our host clubs.

“Muirfield is a truly outstanding Open venue and we very much look forward to taking the Championship back there in future.”

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Ladies European Tour chief executive officer Ivan Khodabakhsh added: “The Ladies European Tour is extremely pleased to hear that the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers has voted to include female members and will begin to restore the reputation of the club following the disappointing ballot result last May.

"Sports reflect the values of the society in which we live and today men and women have equal rights. We believe this should be reflected not only in top level international tournaments but also at club level.”