ONE of the SNP’s most prominent internal critics of an early referendum linked to Europe has dropped his opposition in a spectacular U-turn.

Former party leader Gordon Wilson, who last week said a new plebiscite would be “at the worst possible time”, has now urged people to “fight for Scotland’s liberty both heart and soul”.

Mr Wilson, who was leader from 1979 to 1990, also accused the current SNP leadership of “unpreparedness” and “vacuum and drift” on March 7.

A Eurosceptic, he criticised the SNP’s “obsession” with Europe, which he said risked making a Yes vote synonymous with a “non-deliverable” return to EU membership.

READ MORE: SNP warn Prime Minister Theresa May not to block second Scottish independence referendum

He also accused Nicola Sturgeon of “pointless posturing” in January when she threatened to hold a second referendum if Scotland didn’t get a bespoke deal on Brexit.

However in a new statement issued after Ms Sturgeon called a second referendum because she didn’t get a bespoke deal on Brexit, Mr Wilson gave the First Minister his “full support”.

He even suggested the party could now match the spirit of the elite military unit the SAS, citing its famous motto ‘Who Dares, Wins’.

He said: “Regardless of my personal views, the die is almost completely cast.

“The only way we can win is to throw our whole being into the fight for Scotland’s liberty both body and soul.

It is a clear case of ‘Who dares, Wins’. Half measures will fail!

“Critical to success will also be the timing. The Scottish people need to know the basis of a likely deal on Brexit to be convinced that independence is the only way forward.

“Nicola hit the nail on the head by calling London’s attitude intransigent. Downing Street does not understand Scotland. That is clearly evident.”

The remarks are far removed from his criticism last week, when Mr Wilson said it would be a huge mistake for Ms Sturgeon to call a second referendum in the current circumstances.

He said: “The Scottish National party must exercise extreme care if, as it appears, it is caught in a political vortex and cannot avoid holding a second referendum on independence at the worst possible time.

READ MORE: SNP warn Prime Minister Theresa May not to block second Scottish independence referendum

“For many supporters, that is not the only problem. It is the seeming unpreparedness… When are we to be given the answers on the currency, budget and trade? Who is to lead the campaign and how is it to be financed?

“SNP members will expect… assurances that the errors of 2014 are not repeated.”