Jeremy Corbyn has come under fire from his own party members for saying it is “absolutely fine” for another Scottish referendum to be held.

Speaking at Labour’s economic conference in Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on Saturday afternoon, Mr Corbyn was asked if a second referendum appeared inevitable, given the gulf between Nicola Sturgeon’s goals of keeping Scotland in the single market, and Theresa May’s plans for a UK-wide hard Brexit.

Mr Corbyn told Press Association Scotland: “If a referendum is held, then it is absolutely fine, it should be held.”

READ MORE: Jeremy Corbyn pictured campaigning in Glasgow's west end

“I don’t think it’s the job of Westminster or the Labour Party to prevent people holding referenda,” he added.

The only Labour MP in Scotland, Ian Murray, was quick to say Mr Corbyn is “destroying the party” with his comments.

Mr Murray, who resigned as a shadow Scottish secretary last year, tweeted: “Often asked why I resigned from Shadow Cabinet.

“Ladies & Gentlemen I give u Jeremy Corbyn. He's destroying the party that soo many need.”

Scottish Labour MSP for Dumbarton, Jackie Baillie, also said in a statement: “Jeremy Corbyn does not speak for me on this and it’s clear that he does not speak for many of his MPs who - unlike him - took the time to come to Scotland to fight for the Union and saw first hand how divisive the SNP’s referendum was.”

According to BBC Scotland’s political correspondent, a source close to Mr Corbyn said: “Westminster blocking a second referendum would give the SNP exactly what they want - more grievance.”

Daniel Johnson, MSP for Edinburgh Southern, also said: “Scottish Labour must stand firm against a 2nd referendum.

“That was our promise.”

“Hypothetical pontification is unhelpful & not our position,” he added on Twitter.