THE Scottish Greens have been buoyed by an eve-of-conference poll putting them on course for their best ever local government result.

A new Ipsos Mori survey for STV found support for the party in May’s council election at 8 per cent, ahead of the LibDems on 6 per cent.

At the 2012 election, the Greens won 14 councillors with 2.3 per cent of first preference votes.

The poll also found 46 per cent of those committed to voting backed the SNP, 19 per cent supported the Conservatives, and 17 per cent were behind Labour.

The survey was the latest to suggest Labour will fall behind the Tories on May 4, adding to the party’s near wipeout in the 2015 general election and last year’s third place at Holyrood.

The Greens, who hold their spring conference in Glasgow tomorrow, said the poll indicated the party would make gains far beyond the five authorities where they currently have councillors.

In expectation of a better result, the Greens are fielding more than 200 candidates compared to 80 five years ago.

Local government spokesman Andy Wightman said: “Green council candidates from across Scotland will be buoyed by this poll that shows that voters continue to back the Greens after the party won six seats at the Holyrood election last year.

“More voters than ever before will get the chance to elect Green councillors who are committed to putting power in the hands of communities by protecting local services and strengthening local democracy.”