Neil Lancefield

THE Government has pledged to support growth across Britain by giving local areas more control over their “economic destiny”.

Chancellor Philip Hammond announced in his Budget speech that he has reached an agreement with London Mayor Sadiq Khan on further devolution to the capital.

The memorandum of understanding includes “joint working” to examine the benefits of “locally delivered criminal justice services”, action to tackle congestion and exploring a new approach to funding infrastructure projects.

He said productivity barriers across the Midlands would be addressed by the publication of the Government’s Midlands Engine Strategy today.

The Government is also in discussions with Greater Manchester on future transport funding, Mr Hammond added.

The Chancellor said: “Across Britain, local areas will take control of their own economic destiny. And we will support them.”

Mr Khan said: “Today’s London Devolution Agreement shows that we get the best deal for Londoners when we put party politics aside and work closely with the Government.

“I am pleased that the Chancellor has recognised that giving London more control is vital if we are to protect jobs and investment in the aftermath of Brexit.

“London has a bigger population than Wales and Scotland combined, but we have far less control over how taxes are spent and public services are run.”