PLANS to build 185 student flats next to the Glasgow School of Art have been stalled.

Council planners have moved to continue the controversial application, which would see the buildings demolished and the site redeveloped, so campaigners and opponents of the project can state their case.

One of the objectors, Stuart Robertson, director of the Charles Rennie Mackintosh Society, said: “I am pleased the application has been deferred for further discussion.

READ MORE: Student flat plan 'stabs Mackintosh in the front', claims former Glasgow School of Art director

“It would have been a hasty decision if councillors were to approve it without more input from both sides.

“We strongly feel the plans could have been designed with more care and creativity. The designs do not do anything to improve the area.”

Professor Tom Inns, director of the Art School, said: “We note with interest the decision by the committee to take consideration of the planning application for 294 Sauchiehall Street to a full hearing. The GSA will contribute fully to the hearing process.”

Ann Laird, of the Friends Of Glasgow West group, insisted the student flat development would have a “detrimental impact” because it was positioned “too close to the school itself”.

She added: “In my experience it is very rare that the recommendations to approve the application are reversed.

“However, this hearing does give those involved the opportunity to look over the proposed designs and perhaps realise this is not a building that will enhance the area.”

Since being revealed last year the application has received a total of 46 objection letters.It has been claimed the building would damage the city’s reputation as a tourist destination and any future Unesco World Heritage bid. There have also been  complaints of an oversupply of student accommodation in the city centre.

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But a report to the councillors said that the proposal “is acceptable in land use planning terms” and that the council “has given due care to the potential for the proposal to impact upon the character and appearance of the surrounding conservation area and setting of adjacent listed buildings”.

Site owner GRS Distribution Limited chose not to comment.