The head of Poppyscotland is to chair a new group aimed at increasing employment and opportunities for Scotland's veterans.

Veterans Secretary Keith Brown announced that Mark Bibbey will bring his "extensive experience and knowledge" to the specialist group.

The Veterans Employability Strategic Group is being set up in a bid to improve opportunities for former servicemen and women, and remove some of the barriers they face when trying to find employment outside of the armed forces.

Scottish Veterans Commissioner Eric Fraser had called for the establishment of such a body in a report published in November 2016.

The report, which looked at employability for former military personnel as well as skills and training, made a total of 19 recommendations.

It called on ministers to create a veterans employability strategic working group to "provide strategic leadership" and oversee efforts taking place to lead to more and better employment opportunities for ex-servicemen and women.

As part of this, the commissioner said the new group should consider whether a recent Scottish Government initiative to attract former oil and gas workers into teaching in the north-east of Scotland should be replicated for the veterans community.

It was also recommended the new group "produce a plan for building understanding and recognition amongst Scottish employers of the skills and qualifications gained in the military".

Mr Brown said the commissioner's report "provides a valuable insight into the employability issues faced by ex-service personnel here in Scotland".

He added: "I am determined that Scotland becomes the destination of choice for service leavers and ensuring access to high-quality sustainable jobs is central to this.

"I appointed the Veterans Commissioner to provide impartial advice on issues facing veterans and to improve support.

"Valuable work is already under way within the Scottish Government and elsewhere to address many of these challenges, and I am delighted today to respond positively to all of the report's recommendations.

"This includes the establishment of a new Veterans Employability Strategic Group which will set strategic direction on veterans employability issues in Scotland, focused on removing barriers to employment, and seek to improve opportunities for the veterans community.

"I am pleased to confirm the group will be chaired by Mark Bibbey, CEO of Poppyscotland who will bring extensive experience and knowledge to the role."