HOLYROOD'S cross-party Europe committee wants a separate Brexit deal allowing Scotland to remain in the single market explored now, before the UK begins the formal process of leaving the EU.

The committee’s report, Determining Scotland’s Future Relationship with the European Union, says that a bespoke solution for Scotland should also be part of the UK’s Brexit negotiations.

It states the UK government has “lost the opportunity for an easier Brexit” and that its preferred option “will have profound consequences for Scotland’s economy and future prosperity”.

The report covers international trade and and the potential impact on devolution of the repatriation of powers from the EU.

UK ministers are also urged to respond to the Scottish Government’s Scotland’s Place in Europe paper before Article 50, the formal process for leaving the EU, is triggered.

Committee convenor, SNP MSP Joan McAlpine, said a key finding was the call for Scotland to be handed a separate arrangement for single market membership in view of the country's overwhelming vote for Remain last year.

She said: “We are calling for a bespoke solution that reflects Scotland’s majority vote to remain in the single market.

"We’ve found there to be understanding within the EU of Scotland’s position on Brexit and we believe a bespoke solution can be included in the UK’s Article 50 settlement. Our committee has always argued that retaining access to the single market would be the best outcome for Scotland.

"However with the UK Government having ruled membership of the single market out for the UK, we have had no choice but to look at other options. Our evidence suggests that membership of the European Economic Area (EEA), for example, would be one route that could provide an easier transition out of the single market than a hard Brexit, which would have significant consequences for the Scottish economy.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson added: “We welcome this report from a cross-party parliamentary committee, which endorses the position we have taken on finding a solution to keep Scotland in the European single market."

In response to the report, a UK Government spokesperson said: “We are working closely with the Scottish Government to ensure the best deal for Scotland and the rest of the UK as we leave the EU."