Groups of protesters have been gathering outside Glasgow’s SECC for a second day of anti-Conservative demonstrations.

The two-day Scottish Tory Conference has been taking place at the venue since yesterday and sees members come together from all over the country to learn about ideas and policies for the year ahead.

(Video credit: Ian Russell/Facebook)

Members of the group Stand up to Racism are among the many to have descended upon the city today.

On its Facebook page, the group said: “Say it loud, say it clear, refugees and migrants welcome here! Tories are not.”

Urging other people to come along, the group added: “Tell Theresa May we will all stand together to defend migrant rights, welcome refugees, and oppose Trump and the Tories’ racism.”

Police Scotland told The Herald there have been “no issues” at the protest.

Another group - known as SMNT - said it was calling on all those who support Scottish independence and all those whose ideology is opposed to “propping up the wealth of the few at the expense of the many.”

The group added: “Join us as we say unequivocally, ‘Tories, Tories, Tories, Out Out Out’.

“Enough is enough - it’s time to stand and fight.”

The protests come on the day Scottish Secretary, David Mundell, made a plea to the Scottish Government to join ‘Team UK’ to ensure the country gets the best deal from Brexit.

Mr Mundell insisted the governments in both Westminster and Holyrood have similar goals - even though First Minister Nicola Sturgeon wants to keep Scotland in the single market when the UK leaves the European Union, reports the Press Association.

He said: “I genuinely believe we can do what the people of Scotland want and expect us to do - work together to deliver the best deal for Scotland and the whole of the UK.

“We will continue to work with the EU on security, to fight terrorism, and uphold justice across Europe.”

A Scottish Government spokeswoman retaliated: “The Scottish Government has negotiated with the UK Government in good faith.

“However, so far, UK ministers have refused to match our compromises with any of theirs.”