The chief executive of youth charity Young Scot is to lead a new group tackling gender inequality in Scotland.

Louise Macdonald has been appointed as independent chair of the First Minister's new Advisory Council on Women and Girls.

It has been set up to raise awareness of gender issues, champion the rights of women and girls, and advocate for equality.

Nicola Sturgeon announced the appointment at the Scottish Women's Convention annual event in Holyrood.

The First Minister said: "This Government has worked hard to push for a fairer and more equal society, and our record on increasing opportunities for women through better education, tackling violence and discrimination and ensuring our young women have inspiring female role models is one I'm incredibly proud of.

"I am determined to ensure there is no let up on this work though, which is why I want to establish a strong council of advisers to make sure we are not only doing all we can to promote gender equality as a government but that we are championing gender equality in all walks of life.

"With her background and experience, Louise is an ideal person to lead this council, and will be a powerful advocate for Scotland's women and girls. I look forward to working with her and the rest of the council in the future."

Ms Macdonald said: "I'm honoured to have been asked by the First Minister to take on the role of independent chair of the new Advisory Council on Women and Girls.

"There is much progress to celebrate, but also much work to be done. Central to that will be hearing from and working with people in communities across Scotland and beyond about their experiences, insight and ideas.

"By working together we can realise Scotland's ambition to be a beacon for gender equality across the world."