RANGERS have had legal costs awarded against them after a hearing brought against former chief executive Charles Green and current shareholder Mike Ashley.

Proceedings were raised at the Court of Session in Edinburgh against former directors in relation to a deal struck in 2012 which gave Mr Ashley’s Sports Direct the “naming rights” to Ibrox Stadium.

The club’s legal team alleges that former executives Charles Green, Imran Ahmad, Brian Stockbridge and Derek Llambias acted negligently when they negotiated commercial deals with Sports Direct.

The deals include an October, 2012 agreement in which the directors allowed the company the right to rename Ibrox Stadium.

Rangers believe the naming rights were given to the firm for a price well below the market value.

Yesterday, Rangers lawyers went to court to try to retrieve documents from the individuals to bolster their case.

However, during a two-hour hearing, the Rangers’ legal team tried to amend a legal document which detailed what they required from the men.

But the legal team for the former directors and Mr Ashley objected to the proposed changes.

They argued that they needed time to consult their clients about the amended proposals and asked the court for Rangers to pay their legal costs for the hearing as they said the proceedings were not necessary.

Judge Lord Brailsford agreed, adding: “I award each of the defenders their expenses.”

The cost of the payments was not outlined.