SO, who says it’s an easy life being a Scottish entertainer? Here is Andy Cameron, comedian, singer, panto star, and lifetime Rangers fan, getting up close with an elephant at the Kelvin Hall Circus in Glasgow in December 1982.

Andy was no doubt appearing in panto that year and the circus was looking for some publicity as it started its Christmas run at the Kelvin Hall, so what could be better than getting Andy to lie in the ring while a very large elephant’s foot hovers menacingly above him, just to entertain Evening Times readers, and hopefully sell tickets.

I ask Andy if he remembers the occasion. Stupid question. Of course he does – it’s not the sort of thing you do every day.

Says Andy: “The snapper who accompanied me on the gig was Jack Middleton, known to everyone as The Midd, but equally not known for his patience. Jack lost it because the elephant, who was called Susie I think, wouldn’t do what he wanted and he started demonstrating his annoyance.

“Well, Bobby Roberts, the circus ringmaster, took him by the collar and removed him from the Kelvin Hall while Susie and me watched as Bobby gave him a dressing down. Happy days.”

I mean, fair enough. You don’t really want the photographer to annoy the elephant while you are staring up at its toes.

Come to think of it, Susie does look as though she’s contemplating leaving Andy where he is and giving The Midd a run for his money.