The First Minister has met unaccompanied refugee children to hear first-hand accounts of their "traumatic" journeys to Scotland.

Nicola Sturgeon spoke with a group of young people about the challenges they face settling into a new home, before hosting an expert round-table discussion on the issue in Glasgow.

The Scottish Government has said it is committed to doing all it can to ensure the safety and integration of unaccompanied children.

Ms Sturgeon was joined by Equalities Secretary Angela Constance, council body Cosla, local authorities, the Scottish Refugee Council and other children's organisations at the round-table meeting.

Attendees agreed to work together on a national framework for unaccompanied children, to build on and extend the work of the Scottish Guardianship Service with asylum-seeking children and the support local authorities provide, as well as to explore further funding and capacity.

Ms Sturgeon said: "The ongoing efforts of local authorities, partner organisations and local communities are to be commended in their work to make Scotland a safe and welcoming place for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

"The already distressing situations that these unaccompanied children have faced now demands a humanitarian stance from all parts of the UK.

"We should show our humanity and offer refuge to vulnerable unaccompanied children who, through no fault of their own, have found themselves displaced and separated from their families and homes.

"They deserve to feel safe, have an opportunity to rebuild their lives and fulfil their potential. We should recognise the unique skills and contributions unaccompanied children make to society in Scotland."

Ms Constance added: "These children have endured incredible trauma and hardship and we must work together to ensure they are cared for as any other child would be in Scotland.

"The meeting today has outlined the work required to take this forward and to make sure we all do the best we can for these children, who need a safe place where they can get back into education and rebuild their lives.

Stephanie Primrose, Cosla's children and young people spokeswoman, said: "There is a huge will within Scottish local government to help and this was evidenced in the exceptional number of placements that were offered up to unaccompanied young people arriving from Calais under the Dubs agreement.

"Despite much progress being made, there are still fairly significant barriers to taking this work forward. We therefore welcome the First Minister's commitment to explore further funding and capacity support and look forward to working in partnership on this."

The UK Government has faced a backlash for its decision to end the scheme for bringing lone child refugees to Britain.

It emerged just 350 unaccompanied children will be given a home in the UK under the so-called Dubs amendment - far fewer than the 3,000 campaigners had hoped for.

Scotland has taken in 35 unaccompanied children through the Dubs amendment and Scottish councils are currently responsible for a further 75 who arrived through other routes.